
Michael Crain
Associate | DRE 00960752
Real Estate Brokerage for Buyers and Sellers
Appraisal and Valuation
Estate Planning Consulting
Highest & Best Use Analysis
Viticultural Feasibility Analysis
Property and Project Development
Michael’s past affiliations include experience as a Licensed Real Estate Agent with L.J. Hooker International, a San Francisco financial district commercial real estate brokerage; a Commercial Lending Officer with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and Citibank, F.S.B. He became Vice President at Cambial Financing Dynamics, Inc., a strategic financial management consulting firm in San Francisco. In 1998, he received the additional title of Managing Partner of Cambial Vineyards, LLC, a San Francisco investment partnership that transacted over $20,000,000 in vineyard land transactions in the Napa Valley from 1998 through 2000. In early 2011 his focus was directed toward investment and appraising activities in Sonoma, Napa, Solano, Lake, and Mendocino counties.
Work: 707.938.9899
Cell: 707.815.6290 michael@vineyardadvisors.com