
Gerrett Snedaker
Broker/Partner | DRE 00530607
Commercial/Industrial Sales and Leasing
Gerrett Snedaker obtained his first real estate license in Florida in 1966. He later held a real estate brokers license in Illinois and has been a licensed real estate broker in California since 1976.
He has worked in practically all aspects of the real estate industry including real estate development, merchant home building, mortgage lending, title insurance and escrow, property management, and residential, commercial and investment brokerage.
As CEO/Broker of his own firm from 1998 until 2011, Gerrett managed over 120 licensed agents and was responsible for over 8,000 transactions and $4.25 billion in sales.
Gerrett has an MA in Urban Studies from Loyola University, Chicago, and a BS in Real Estate and Urban Land Studies from the University of Florida.
Work: 707.939.2009
Cell: 415.269.5809